Forum Downtime, software update April 2-3

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Janet H

Site Team
Jan 14, 2012
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Cape Dory
We are finally ready to convert the forum to new software.

To do this we'll need to close the forum. This is scheduled for April 2-3, beginning very early in the morning (subject to change if there are complications).

There will be some noticeable changes upon returning to open:

The forum colors and header image will be updated.

The Forum is moving to Xenforo software and all the usual controls will be available BUT buttons and functions will be moved around a bit.

Image storage and avatar size will be increased.

PM inbox storage will be increased

Responsive for mobile use: There is no mobile app needed. XenForo has a mobile view that is entirely responsive to device size. Use a browser to open the site and you'll have a good view.

New functions: many, but notably the ability to "like" a post and send an alert by posting @username to get someone's attention.

Image handling will be improved. You can still upload images in the usual way but will also be able to simply paste directly into a post (no copy-protected images are allowed).

You will be able to log back in with your username OR your email address, and your password will not change.

Be patient after the site opens, it takes a little time to get settings dialed in but we will bring the site back online as soon as possible (even while adjustments are still being made.

Ms. JH. Is it possible to incorporate some sort of ID "tag" identifying the original poster? On some of the very long threads it's difficult to follow who asked what question. I've noticed a...ahem...sight tendency to topic drift.

Eg: Janet H (OP)

OK. I'll 'fess up. I lose track on some of the shorter threads, as well.


We are finally ready to convert the forum to new software.

To do this we'll need to close the forum. This is scheduled for April 2-3, beginning very early in the morning (subject to change if there are complications).

There will be some noticeable changes upon returning to open:

The forum colors and header image will be updated.

The Forum is moving to Xenforo software and all the usual controls will be available BUT buttons and functions will be moved around a bit.

Image storage and avatar size will be increased.

PM inbox storage will be increased

Responsive for mobile use: There is no mobile app needed. XenForo has a mobile view that is entirely responsive to device size. Use a browser to open the site and you'll have a good view.

New functions: many, but notably the ability to "like" a post and send an alert by posting @username to get someone's attention.

Image handling will be improved. You can still upload images in the usual way but will also be able to simply paste directly into a post (no copy-protected images are allowed).

You will be able to log back in with your username OR your email address, and your password will not change.

Be patient after the site opens, it takes a little time to get settings dialed in but we will bring the site back online as soon as possible (even while adjustments are still being made.


No more Vbulletin???
On some of the very long threads it's difficult to follow who asked what question. I've noticed a...ahem...sight tendency to topic drift.

Really? Stunning! Thread drift? Here? Gobsmacked! :D

I am not sure but will do some looking. :flowers:
Bumping this....
I can't wait to see the new software. Thanks!!

I especially like the "like" capability. It's good to be able to recognize a positive contribution without the overhead of sending a "Thanks."

No doubt having a mobile-friendly site will make life a lot easier for a lot of people. I never like to install an app just to visit a web site.
The tension from the expectation is killing me...?
Good luck with the implementation. They seldom go as planned.
Looking forward to the new look.

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