Moss in window tracks

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Feb 24, 2024
I am looking to clean out the moss growth in the sliding windows of our 36’ 1984 GB. Would like to replace the grey fuzzy weather strips as well. Will I need to remove the entire frame from exterior in order to remove the glass panes? Or can the glass be removed without disrupting the frame? Just looking for easiest access to the track to properly clean and change out the grey fuzzy strips.
If you have wood window frames like me, you need to remove the lower molding to swing out the bottom of the window. The molding has 6 or more screws covered with wood plugs. The corners have a special miter and a hidden screw. Scrape the paint to find the bungs over the screws.
Moss in your window tracks eh? Yeah, me too;


The guy I hired to install the new heads and go over the whole boat just dug the stuff out with a stick. He was well motivated as the windows wouldn't open and it was hot in the sun. He used silicone spray lube after and they still slide nice with no additional treatments. I have aluminum channels too.
Hello all
I'm used to clean the slide paths with a Q-tip dipped in bleaching water. It works...
+1 on diluted bleach and qtip. I don’t use silicone spray to lubricate the tracks, because I worry about overspray messing things up the next time I go to do bright work. Bar soap rubbed into the track seems to work well and one good treatment usually lasts the season.
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